Ghanaian JOE METTLE and TY BELLO duet together in “ MA BANDENDEN ” meaning “Strong Tower“, SPONTANEOUS WORSHIP.
When Joe Mettle sang his words in Twi, my face lit up. I had no idea what he was saying but I know one thing: worship goes beyond language, you never have to understand the words. To my surprise, when the translation to the words came, his worship in Twi and my worship in Yoruba were perfectly synced. Worship is the most beautiful thing our spirits get to experience and it’s such a joy to have the opportunity to do so across borders. So here we are: Nigeria and Ghana, spontaneously raising our voices to the God we both love.
Joe Mettle and I met briefly in Accra at Dr. Abu Bako’s 96Hours of praise. We had no idea that within a few hours, we’d be in front of the staircase diving deep…echoing songs of heaven, without us having to plan it. I love the way God works out these things- these collaborations. Bringing together brothers and sisters and helping us realize that we have so much more in common beyond language and culture.
Special thanks to Renee Boateng , John Ayayee ,
Elom Ayayee and especially Dr. Abu Bako for hosting us in Ghana. We will never get over the beautiful experience.