Keneya is a brand new single by Charity Nwenwe aka Charibest that sets you on the dance mood. Keneya is an igbo word which means “Praise Him”, a song of thanksgiving and praise to the most High God. A call to everyone to come and praise God for all His blessings and goodness in our lives.
The song is a mixture of Igbo and English language annd produced by Engr. Emmy Success.
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Charity Nwenwe aka Charibest is a singer and songwriter, and a composer of variety of songs. She writes her songs by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. She released her first album in the 2007, which comprises of 6 songs. Charibest is a degree holder, graduate of BUK, currently MSC student in the department of science and technology Education in BUK.
Connect with Charibest Via
Facebook: Charibest Nwenwe
Instagram: @charibestnwenwe
Twitter: @charibest3